Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ohhh Instgram, what a fun app you are! It truly has become one of the greatest tools to help promote yourself and give influencers opportunities that wouldn't have been able to happen; all because of this ONE APP! Can you believe that? Can you believe that you can make an income, just by posting about your passions?! To this day, it still blows my mind.

First, I want to say this- THERE IS ROOM FOR EVERYONE TO BECOME A BLOGGER/INFLUENCER, in fact- we need MORE of you. We need more individuals to help build this amazing platform, to showcase that you CAN become your own boss and change lives. Second, before you can actually start becoming a full-time "influencer", you first need to GROW your page and create content that will help uplift and inspire your audience.

I'm going to share with you how to make it happen, it's not going to happen overnight, it's going to require a lot of time and patience. But, it CAN and WILL happen, if you are committed and stick with it.  So, grab a snack or a drink because this is going to be a long post! ;)


Tuesday, June 25, 2019
I never thought that I would be in this position. A position where I would be trying to find someone else to spend my forever with. I never thought I would be forced to start from the ground up, in trying to figure out my new dreams, goals and aspirations in life. I had a plan, but sometimes your plans don't always follow through.

I moved back home to Utah in December, once I came home, it was like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Slowly, I had some anxiety about dating and figuring out my new life style. It was scary going from one life style and sucked into a whole new atmosphere that you weren't used to. In time, that anxiety turned into confidence and the worries turned into an unstoppable strength.

After my divorce was finalized in January, I heard thousands of comments from everyone. It was overwhelming and I honestly just wanted to run away from those who were telling me what to do. "You need to wait at least a year before dating someone serious. Only date to have fun." or "You are moving on way too fast." All of these comments were and still are hard to hear.

If I am being honest, I am dating to find my eternal companion. I'm not wanting to date around just to have a NCMO (non committed make out), one night stand, booty call or simply because I have nothing going on that night; I'm dating to find a future spouse. I know EXACTLY what I want and I'm definitely not going to settle for anything less, so you bet your bottom dollar I have "a list" of not only what I want in a guy, but what I NEED in a future spouse.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019
To my darling future husband,

First off – if you are reading this, you need to know how special you are to me. How important you are to me. How loved you are by me. For a woman that is closed off from romantic feelings and doesn’t like to get into emotions, this is the most intimate part of me, and I’m glad I can share it with you.

When I think about my future with you, my stomach fills with all the good types of butterflies. I can’t wait to start an amazing family. Above all, I can’t wait to share my life with the person I love and cherish the most – you. Every day, I hope that you are the smart, kind, strong man that I see in my dreams. I pray that everyone close to me loves you as much as I do. Everyone knows that I’m not the easiest to be around, but the love I have for you will be worth it in the end.

how I'm truly feeling

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
I have been sitting here, trying to figure out how to describe my situation and share my thoughts about what I have been experiencing over the last six months. I am not here to ask for sympathy, I'm here to simply express how I'm truly feeling. Although, I am not ready to share my story to the public yet, I don't even know if I actually will. I am ready to share with you about how I'm doing.

The last six months have been a journey, a journey that I would never wish for anyone to experience, not even my worst enemy. There have been moments of happiness and moments of where I simply felt like I couldn't survive another day. I have felt sadness, discouragement, anger, peace, comfort, hope- a wave of emotions that was and is overwhelming to handle. One thing I have felt, is the Lord's hand and his grace through out this process. I have personally felt him carrying me, when I couldn't get up or when I simply couldn't walk. I have felt him wiping away my tears and giving me strength for the upcoming months of pain that he knew I was going to experience. I HAVE FELT HIM. It's an amazing feeling, a feeling that I don't ever want to loose.